aream Press release


4 Jul 2023, 09:15

June 2023 was a real sunny month in almost all of Germany. High irradiation was accompanied by little wind - in the mix, renewables therefore delivered slightly less yield than planned. "In view of the almost unchanged electricity prices, there is hardly any skimmable excess yield from renewables available for the federal government either," says Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.

29 Jun 2023, 11:48

The EU's taxonomy is designed to name good and bad, provide investors with a framework for sustainable investments, and direct more money into sustainable technologies and companies. The rules have just been further developed, with new environmental targets and additional economic sectors included. "The EU taxonomy has thus taken a step forward, but it lags a few years behind the industries that are already operating sustainably", says Markus W. Voigt, CEO of aream Group. "Investors are being unsettled rather than directed in some places."

12 Jun 2023, 10:25

In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, electricity prices reached unprecedented heights. However, the situation has been calming down for several months, and recently electricity has become cheaper. “For consumers, this is good news”, commented Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group. “However, it cannot be assumed that electricity will soon be as cheap as it was before the crisis.”

6 Jun 2023, 10:46

Lots of sunshine with high wind levels: May was a very good month for renewable energies in Germany. In Europe, the situation looks different: "In Italy, with the heavy rainfall, and also in Spain, solar radiation was significantly lower than usual, decreasing by 14 and 30 percent, respectively", says Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.



Leandra Kiebach

T: (0) 211 - 30 20 60 4-2
