aream Press release


3 Apr 2024, 09:40

In addition to the expansion of wind and solar energy, there are other technologies that enable the energy transformation. In addition to hydrogen production and battery storage, charging infrastructure, carbon capture & storage and utilization are playing an increasingly important role in the energy transition away from fossil fuels. In addition, smart city applications, AI and big data support the processes - an unmanageable universe of opportunities for investors. "At the Institutional Money Congress on April 10, we will shed light on this topic with two events," says Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.

20 Mar 2024, 11:05

Chinese manufacturers are flooding the global markets with cheap solar technology. Numerous European competitors are on the brink of extinction. Is the local wind industry facing the same fate in the long term? "The danger is growing," comments Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group. "However, there is a way for European manufacturers to maintain their position."

11 Mar 2024, 12:39

While people in Germany are hoping for spring, many countries in the southern hemisphere are suffering from heatwaves. It is quite possible that the current year will once again set a new temperature record. "Everything must be done worldwide to advance the energy transition - the pace is not yet sufficient," comments Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.

5 Mar 2024, 10:54

Institutional investors in particular are increasingly investing their funds in infrastructure again. 2023 was a rather difficult year for this sector. However, the dip is now being overcome and infrastructure is very attractive in the long term. "Renewable energies are at the top of the list," says Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group. However, investors should know in advance which projects their money is going into. "That's why assets from providers who are also active in project development are a good choice."



Leandra Kiebach

T: (0) 211 - 30 20 60 4-2
