The energy transition is in full swing
3 Apr 2024, 09:40

In addition to the expansion of wind and solar energy, there are other technologies that enable the energy transformation. In addition to hydrogen production and battery storage, charging infrastructure, carbon capture & storage and utilization are playing an increasingly important role in the energy transition away from fossil fuels. In addition, smart city applications, AI and big data support the processes - an unmanageable universe of opportunities for investors. "At the Institutional Money Congress on April 10, we will shed light on this topic with two events," says Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.


"The energy transition is about the assets of tomorrow," says Voigt. Tim Van den Brande, Chief Growth Officer at aream Institutional Sales Management, will therefore explain in the workshop "Energy Transition - Investing in the future of energy" what needs to be considered for profitable and sustainable investments in this area. The focus will be on innovation strategies for renewable energies and investment opportunities in smart cities, hydrogen, storage solutions and charging infrastructures. "The sector is broader and deeper than ever before and offers plenty of new opportunities," says Voigt. Date: April 10, 11.50 - 12.35 a.m.

Investments in renewable energy infrastructure have been increasing for years and further investments are required in order to achieve climate targets. In addition, investors' risk preferences are changing. "In addition to core-plus strategies, value-add strategies are also becoming more interesting," says Voigt. But how many projects can the market cope with? Where are we in the lifecycle of renewable energy investments? What is the right investment strategy now - sell or buy? Patrick Lemcke-Braselmann, CIO of aream, will provide answers in a discussion with Christian Rimmelspacher from BBBank's Treasury division. Date: April 10, 14:15 - 15:00.



Leandra Kiebach
T:  +49 (0)211 30 20 60 4-2